Chemco's Hydrated Lime Systems can feed dry hydrated lime by way of pneumatic transfer or wet in slurry form by pumping the slurry and can be factory assembled as either skirted or leg support silos. Every hydrated lime system is specifically designed to accommodate any particular process. Every process is unique, as are our silos. For that reason, our engineering team will work closely with the design engineer and customer to ensure that all subsystems and components are sized to meet the customer's expectations of functionality while delivery a high-quality, dependable treatment system.
Chemco hydrated lime systems are able to produce a wide range of lime slurry concentrations, from 5% concentration up to a high density concentration greater than 37.5%, to meet the application requirements. When utilizing a Chemco volumetric screw feeder, concentrations are achieved within +/-2.0%. If a higher degree of accuracy is required, Chemco also fabricates a loss-in-weight feed system that can sustain concentrations within +/-0.5%. The hydrated lime system operation is primarily controlled by the liquid level within the slurry tank. Low liquid levels will initiate the feed operations of water and lime to increase the volume of slurry within the tank. All components are linked and integrated through a Chemco custom control panel, completely assembled and installed within the silo with PLC, motor starters, and VFD's. ​
When debating between a lime slaking system and a hydrated lime system there are several operational factors to consider based on the project's water treatment requirements. When there is a relatively low volume consumption required, Hydrated Lime Systems provide a more cost-effective solution compared to a lime slaking system as the equipment is simpler and does not need to be designed to contain the exothermic reaction that takes place when slaking pebble lime. Another benefit of a hydrated lime system not creating an exothermic reaction is that it is able to create a higher concentration slurry, upwards of 30-37% by weight, which helps to reduce operational costs.
The primary argument against hydrated lime is that it is a less cost-efficient treatment method based on material density. Since pebble lime has a higher material density, it is able to generate a greater amount of lime slurry per delivered truck load. It is therefore important to consider the capital costs vs. the operational costs when comparing a lime slaking system to a hydrated lime system, while also taking into consideration which material is more accessible based on the project location.